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VBA 中常用的函数块

Option Explicit

Dim i As Integer '全局计数变量

Public Function CreateSelectionSet(Optional ssName As String = "ss") As AcadSelectionSet

    Dim SS As AcadSelectionSet

    On Error Resume Next
    Set SS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets(ssName)
    If Err Then Set SS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(ssName)
    Set CreateSelectionSet = SS
End Function

Public Sub BuildFilter(typeArray, dataArray, ParamArray gCodes())
    Dim FType() As Integer, FData()
    Dim Index As Long, i As Long

    Index = LBound(gCodes) - 1

    For i = LBound(gCodes) To UBound(gCodes) Step 2
        Index = Index + 1
        ReDim Preserve FType(0 To Index) '改变数组上线,用可选参数preserve保持原数组不变。
        ReDim Preserve FData(0 To Index)
        FType(Index) = CInt(gCodes(i))
        FData(Index) = gCodes(i + 1)
    typeArray = FType: dataArray = FData
End Sub


Public Function GetPath() As String
    On Error Resume Next  '有一种错误可能是,新建的dvb工程没有保存
    'MsgBox Application.FullName & Application.Path
    Dim StrPath, i As Integer, J As Integer, temp As String
    'MsgBox ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects.Count
    For i = 1 To ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects.Count
        'StrPath = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName
        StrPath = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects(i).FileName
        For J = Len(StrPath) To 1 Step -1
            temp = Mid(StrPath, J, 1)
            If temp = "/" Or temp = "\" Then Exit For
        Next J
        'MsgBox UCase(Right(StrPath, Len(StrPath) - j))
        If UCase(Right(StrPath, Len(StrPath) - J)) = "TIANCAOCADTOOLS.DVB" Then
            GetPath = Left(StrPath, J)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    'StrPath = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName
    'For j = Len(StrPath) To 1 Step -1
        'temp = Mid(StrPath, j, 1)
        'If temp = "/" Or temp = "\" Then Exit For
    'Next j
    'GetPath = Left(StrPath, i)

End Function
'若直线方程为|a1x + b1y + c1 = 0
'''''''''''''|a2x + b2y + c2 = 0
Public Function GetPtIntersect(ByVal A1 As Double, ByVal B1 As Double, ByVal C1 As Double, _
    ByVal A2 As Double, B2 As Double, C2 As Double) As Variant
    Dim dlt As Double, dx As Double, dy As Double
    Dim x As Double, y As Double    '用于输出
    Dim pt(0 To 2) As Double
    dlt = A1 * B2 - A2 * B1
    dx = C1 * B2 - C2 * B1
    dy = A1 * C2 - A2 * C1
    If (Abs(dlt) < 0.00000001) Then
        If (Abs(dx) < 0.00000001 And Abs(dy) < 0.00000001) Then
            x = 1E+20
            y = 1E+20
            x = -1E+20
            y = -1E+20
        End If
        x = -dx / dlt
        y = -dy / dlt
    End If
    pt(0) = x: pt(1) = y: pt(2) = 0
    GetPtIntersect = pt
End Function

Public Function GetPtIntersectKP(ByVal k1 As Double, ByVal Pt1 As Variant, _
    ByVal k2 As Double, ByVal Pt2 As Variant) As Variant
    Dim A1 As Double, B1 As Double, C1 As Double
    Dim A2 As Double, B2 As Double, C2 As Double
    A1 = k1: B1 = -1: C1 = Pt1(1) - k1 * Pt1(0)
    A2 = k2: B2 = -1: C2 = Pt2(1) - k2 * Pt2(0)
    GetPtIntersectKP = GetPtIntersect(A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2)
End Function

Public Function P2PDistance(sp As Variant, ep As Variant) As Double
    Dim x As Double
    Dim y As Double
    Dim Z As Double
    Dim Distance As Double
    x = sp(0) - ep(0)
    y = sp(1) - ep(1)
    Z = sp(2) - ep(2)
    P2PDistance = Sqr((Sqr((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) ^ 2) + (Z ^ 2))
End Function

Public Function GetPoint(pt As Variant, x As Double, y As Double) As Variant
    Dim ptTarget(0 To 2) As Double
    ptTarget(0) = pt(0) + x
    ptTarget(1) = pt(1) + y
    ptTarget(2) = 0
    GetPoint = ptTarget
End Function

Public Function GetPointAR(ByVal ptBase As Variant, ByVal Angle As Double, ByVal Length As Double) As Variant
    Dim pt(0 To 2) As Double
    pt(0) = ptBase(0) + Length * Cos(Angle)
    pt(1) = ptBase(1) + Length * Sin(Angle)
    pt(2) = ptBase(2)
    GetPointAR = pt
End Function

Public Function AddArcCSEP(ByVal ptCen As Variant, ByVal ptSt As Variant, ByVal ptEn As Variant) As AcadArc
    Dim objArc As AcadArc
    Dim radius As Double
    Dim stAng, enAng As Double
    radius = P2PDistance(ptCen, ptSt)
    stAng = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(ptCen, ptSt)
    enAng = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(ptCen, ptEn)
    Set objArc = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddArc(ptCen, radius, stAng, enAng)
    Set AddArcCSEP = objArc
End Function

Public Function AddCircleCD(ByVal ptCen As Variant, ByVal diameter As Variant) As AcadCircle
    Dim objCir As AcadCircle
    Set objCir = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(ptCen, diameter / 2)
    Set AddCircleCD = objCir
End Function

Public Function AddCircle2P(ByVal Pt1 As Variant, ByVal Pt2 As Variant) As AcadCircle
    Dim ptCen(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim objCir As AcadCircle
    Dim diameter As Double
    ptCen(0) = (Pt1(0) + Pt2(0)) / 2
    ptCen(1) = (Pt1(1) + Pt2(1)) / 2
    ptCen(2) = 0
    diameter = Sqr((Pt2(0) - Pt1(0)) ^ 2 + (Pt2(1) - Pt1(1)) ^ 2)
    Set objCir = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(ptCen, diameter / 2)
    Set AddCircle2P = objCir
End Function

'/*  +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ */
'/*  |  The equation of a arc based on 3 points is :                   | */
'/*  |        | X**2+Y**2-x1**2-y1**2      X-X1       Y-y1 |           | */
'/*  |        |                                            |           | */
'/*  |        | x1**2+y1**2-x2**2-y2**2   x1-x2      y1-y2 | = 0       | */
'/*  |        |                                            |           | */
'/*  |        | x2**2+y2**2-x3**2-y3**2   x2-x3      y2-y3 |           | */
'/*  |                                                                 | */
'/*  +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ */
Public Function AddCircle3P(ByVal Pt1 As Variant, ByVal Pt2 As Variant, ByVal Pt3 As Variant) As AcadCircle

    Dim xysm, xyse, xy As Double
    Dim ptCen(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim radius As Double
    Dim objCir As AcadCircle
    xy = Pt1(0) ^ 2 + Pt1(1) ^ 2
    xyse = xy - Pt3(0) ^ 2 - Pt3(1) ^ 2
    xysm = xy - Pt2(0) ^ 2 - Pt2(1) ^ 2
    xy = (Pt1(0) - Pt2(0)) * (Pt1(1) - Pt3(1)) - (Pt1(0) - Pt3(0)) * (Pt1(1) - Pt2(1))
    If Abs(xy) < 0.000001 Then
        MsgBox "所输入的参数无法创建圆形!"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ptCen(0) = (xysm * (Pt1(1) - Pt3(1)) - xyse * (Pt1(1) - Pt2(1))) / (2 * xy)
    ptCen(1) = (xyse * (Pt1(0) - Pt2(0)) - xysm * (Pt1(0) - Pt3(0))) / (2 * xy)
    MsgBox Pt1(2)
    ptCen(2) = Pt1(2)
    radius = Sqr((Pt1(0) - ptCen(0)) * (Pt1(0) - ptCen(0)) + (Pt1(1) - ptCen(1)) * (Pt1(1) - ptCen(1)))
    If radius < 0.000001 Then
        MsgBox "半径过小!"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set objCir = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(ptCen, radius)
    Set AddCircle3P = objCir
End Function

Public Function ThreePointCircle(Point1, Point2, Point3) As AcadCircle

    Dim iPt, util As AcadUtility, ms As AcadModelSpace
    Dim Line1 As AcadLine, Line2 As AcadLine, line3 As AcadLine
    Dim midPt, newPt, x1 As AcadXline, x2 As AcadXline, rad As Double

    Set util = ThisDrawing.Utility
    Set ms = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    Set Line1 = ms.AddLine(Point1, Point2)
    Set Line2 = ms.AddLine(Point2, Point3)
    midPt = util.PolarPoint(Line1.StartPoint, Line1.Angle, Line1.Length / 2)
    newPt = util.PolarPoint(midPt, Line1.Angle + 1.570795, 1)
    Set x1 = ms.AddXline(midPt, newPt)
    midPt = util.PolarPoint(Line2.StartPoint, Line2.Angle, Line2.Length / 2)
    newPt = util.PolarPoint(midPt, Line2.Angle + 1.570795, 1)
    Set x2 = ms.AddXline(midPt, newPt)
    iPt = x1.IntersectWith(x2, acExtendNone)
    Set line3 = ms.AddLine(iPt, Line1.StartPoint)
    rad = line3.Length
    Line1.Delete: Line2.Delete: line3.Delete
    x1.Delete: x2.Delete
    Set ThreePointCircle = ms.AddCircle(iPt, rad)

End Function

Public Function Circle_ZXX(ByVal C As AcadCircle)
   '圆心 和半径
   Dim Pt1  As Variant, R As Double
   Pt1 = C.center
   R = C.diameter / 2
   Dim Pt2 As Variant, Pt3 As Variant, Pt4 As Variant, Pt5 As Variant
   Pt2 = Pt1
   Pt3 = Pt1
   Pt4 = Pt1
   Pt5 = Pt1
   Dim L  As Long
   L = Int(1.2 * 2 * R)
   Pt2(0) = Pt1(0) - L / 2
   Pt3(0) = Pt1(0) + L / 2
   Pt4(1) = Pt1(1) - L / 2
   Pt5(1) = Pt1(1) + L / 2
   Dim LineObj1 As AcadLine, LineObj2 As AcadLine
   Set LineObj1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt2, Pt3)
   Set LineObj2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt4, Pt5)
    LineObj1.LinetypeScale = L / 36 / 18
    LineObj2.LinetypeScale = L / 36 / 18
    LineObj1.Layer = "中心线"
    LineObj2.Layer = "中心线"
End Function

Public Function Arc_ZXX(ByVal C As AcadArc)
   '圆心 和半径,起点角度,终点角度
   Dim Pt1  As Variant, R As Double, A1 As Double, A2 As Double
   Pt1 = C.center
   R = C.radius
   A1 = C.StartAngle
   A2 = C.EndAngle
   Dim Pt2 As Variant, Pt3 As Variant, Pt4 As Variant, Pt5 As Variant, Pt6 As Variant
   Pt2 = Pt1
   Pt3 = Pt1
   Pt4 = Pt1
   Pt5 = Pt1
   Pt6 = Pt1
   Dim L  As Long
   L = Int(1.2 * 2 * R)
   Pt2(0) = Pt1(0) - L / 2
   Pt3(0) = Pt1(0) + L / 2
   Pt4(1) = Pt1(1) - L / 2
   Pt5(1) = Pt1(1) + L / 2
   Pt6(0) = Pt1(0) + Cos((A1 + (A2 - A1) / 2)) * L / 2
   Pt6(1) = Pt1(1) + Sin((A1 + (A2 - A1) / 2)) * L / 2

   Dim LineObj1 As AcadLine, LineObj2 As AcadLine, LineObj3 As AcadLine
   Set LineObj1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt2, Pt3)
   Set LineObj2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt4, Pt5)
   Set LineObj3 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt1, Pt6)

   LineObj1.LinetypeScale = L / 36 / 18
   LineObj2.LinetypeScale = L / 36 / 18
   LineObj3.LinetypeScale = L / 36 / 18

   LineObj1.Layer = "中心线"
   LineObj2.Layer = "中心线"
   LineObj3.Layer = "中心线"

End Function

'   调用FillArray
Public Function Ellipse_ZXX(ByVal e As AcadEllipse)
    Dim MajorAxis(0 To 2) As Double     '长轴方向,实际上是一个点,他与点(0,0,0)的连线与椭圆的长轴平行。如果椭圆的中心为圆点的话,他即是椭圆长轴上的一点。
    Dim CenterPoint(0 To 2) As Double   '椭圆的中心点
    Dim MajorRadiusAngle As Double '长轴与X轴所成的角度
    Dim MinorRadius As Double '短轴半径
    Dim MajorRadius As Double '长轴半径
   ' ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint E.Center
   ' ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint E.MajorAxis
   ' ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint E.MinorAxis
   'MsgBox E.MajorRadius '长轴半径
   'MsgBox E.MinorRadius '短轴半径
    FillArray e.MajorAxis, MajorAxis
    FillArray e.center, CenterPoint
    MinorRadius = e.MinorRadius
    MajorRadius = e.MajorRadius
   '使用 AngleFromXAxis 方法查看直线与 X 轴所成的角度
    MajorRadiusAngle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(MajorAxis, Point3D(0, 0, 0))
    '   使用 PolarPoint 方法找出与给定点成指定角度和指定距离的点
    '   中心线长度是短轴长度的1.2倍
    '   短轴的两个端点在长轴的过中点的垂线上,相差90度
    Dim Pt1(2) As Double
    Dim Pt2(2) As Double

    With ThisDrawing.Utility
        FillArray .PolarPoint(CenterPoint, MajorRadiusAngle - (Atn(1) * 2), MinorRadius * 1.2), Pt1
        FillArray .PolarPoint(CenterPoint, MajorRadiusAngle + (Atn(1) * 2), MinorRadius * 1.2), Pt2
    End With
    Dim LineObj As AcadLine
    Set LineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt1, Pt2)
    LineObj.Layer = "中心线"
    LineObj.LinetypeScale = MinorRadius * 1.2 / 36 / 18
    With ThisDrawing.Utility
        FillArray .PolarPoint(CenterPoint, MajorRadiusAngle, MajorRadius * 1.2), Pt1
        FillArray .PolarPoint(CenterPoint, MajorRadiusAngle + (Atn(1) * 4), MajorRadius * 1.2), Pt2
    End With
    Set LineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt1, Pt2)
    LineObj.Layer = "中心线"
    LineObj.LinetypeScale = MinorRadius * 1.2 / 36 / 18
End Function


'   调用FillArray
'   调用Point3D
'   如果一个面域有多个主轴,本程序只能绘制出一个,而且未必是对称轴上面的那个。
Public Function Region_ZXX(R As AcadRegion)
   ' R.Centroid  ' 面域的中心点(实际上是一个2维坐标点,不包含Z方向)
   ' R.Perimeter ' 面域的周长
   ' R.PrincipalDirections
    Dim center(2) As Double
    center(0) = R.Centroid(0): center(1) = R.Centroid(1): center(2) = 0
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint center
    Dim Min  As Variant
    Dim Max  As Variant
    R.GetBoundingBox Min, Max
    'ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint Min
    'ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint Max
    'DrawBoundingBox R
    Dim L As Double '外边界对角线线长
    L = P2PDistance(Min, Max)
    R.Move center, Point3D(0, 0, 0)
    Dim P As Variant
    P = R.PrincipalDirections
    Dim P1(2) As Double, P2(2) As Double, P3(2) As Double, P4(2) As Double
    FillArray center, P1: FillArray center, P2: FillArray center, P3: FillArray center, P4
    P1(0) = center(0) + L / 2: P2(0) = center(0) - L / 2
    P3(1) = center(1) + L / 2: P4(1) = center(1) - L / 2
    Dim ZX1 As AcadLine, ZX2 As AcadLine
    Set ZX1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(P1, P2)
    Set ZX2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(P3, P4)
    If P(0) > 0 And P(1) > 0 Then
        ZX1.Rotate center, Arcsin(P(0))
        ZX2.Rotate center, Arcsin(P(0))
    ElseIf P(1) < 0 Then '到过来旋转
        ZX1.Rotate center, Arccos(P(0))
        ZX2.Rotate center, Arccos(P(0))
    End If
    ZX2.Color = acRed
    ZX2.Layer = "中心线"
    ZX1.Color = acRed
    ZX1.Layer = "中心线"
    R.Move Point3D(0, 0, 0), center
End Function

Public Function FillArray(Source As Variant, Dest As Variant)
    Dim nIdx As Long
    If (UBound(Source) - LBound(Source)) = (UBound(Dest) - LBound(Dest)) Then
        nIdx = LBound(Source)
        While nIdx <= UBound(Source)
            Dest(nIdx) = Source(nIdx)
            nIdx = nIdx + 1
    End If
End Function

Public Function BoxedText(textString As String, insertionPoint, height As Double, offset As Double)
    Dim Txt As AcadText, tmp, PL As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim retVal(0 To 1) As AcadEntity
    Set Txt = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(textString, insertionPoint, height)
    Set PL = DrawBoundingBox(Txt)
    tmp = PL.offset(offset)
    Set retVal(0) = Txt: Set retVal(1) = tmp(0)
    BoxedText = retVal
End Function

Public Function DrawBoundingBox(ent As AcadEntity) As AcadLWPolyline

    Dim Min, Max
    ent.GetBoundingBox Min, Max
    Set DrawBoundingBox = Rectangle(Min, Max)

End Function

Public Function Point3D(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, Optional Z As Double = 0) As Variant

    Dim retVal(0 To 2) As Double
    retVal(0) = x: retVal(1) = y: retVal(2) = Z
    Point3D = retVal

End Function

Public Function Rectangle(Point1, Point2) As AcadLWPolyline

    Dim vertices(0 To 7) As Double, PL As AcadLWPolyline
    vertices(0) = CDbl(Point1(0)): vertices(1) = CDbl(Point1(1))
    vertices(2) = CDbl(Point2(0)): vertices(3) = CDbl(Point1(1))
    vertices(4) = CDbl(Point2(0)): vertices(5) = CDbl(Point2(1))
    vertices(6) = CDbl(Point1(0)): vertices(7) = CDbl(Point2(1))

    Set PL = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(vertices)
    PL.Closed = True
    Set Rectangle = PL

End Function

 Function Arccos(ByVal x As Double) As Variant
    Dim PI As Double
    PI = 4# * Atn(1#)
    If Abs(x) > 1# Then
       Arccos = False
      If Abs(x) = 1# Then
         Arccos = (1# - x) * PI / 2#
        Arccos = PI / 2 - Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1))
      End If
    End If
End Function


 Function Arcsin(ByVal x As Double) As Variant
    Dim PI As Double
    PI = 4# * Atn(1#)
    If Abs(x) > 1# Then
       Arcsin = False
      If Abs(x) = 1# Then
         Arcsin = Sgn(x) * PI / 2#
         Arcsin = Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1))
      End If
    End If
End Function

Public Function DimPoint(ByVal Z As Boolean)
    Dim temp As Double, temp1 As Double
    On Error Resume Next
    temp = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("DIMTXT")
    Dim DimTextHeight As Double
    DimTextHeight = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetDistance(, "标注文本高度(" & temp & "):")
    If Err Then
       DimTextHeight = temp
    End If
    'MsgBox DimTextHeight
    Dim P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant
    ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 1, ""
    P1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请选择要标注的点:")
    Dim Txt As String
    If Z = True Then
        Txt = "X=" & Format(P1(0), "0.0000") & "  Y=" & Format(P1(1), "0.0000") & "  Z=" & Format(P1(2), "0.0000")
        Txt = "X=" & Format(P1(0), "0.0000") & "  Y=" & Format(P1(1), "0.0000")
    End If
    ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 1, ""
    P2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请选择标注文件的插入点:")
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText Txt, P2, DimTextHeight
End Function

'   调用P2PDistance

Public Function ThreeP_IsOnline(ByVal P1 As Variant, ByVal P2 As Variant, P3 As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim L1 As Double, L2 As Double, L3 As Double
    L1 = P2PDistance(P1, P2)
    L2 = P2PDistance(P1, P3)
    L3 = P2PDistance(P2, P3)
    If L1 + L2 > L3 And L1 + L3 > L2 And L2 + L3 > L1 Then
       ThreeP_IsOnline = False
       ThreeP_IsOnline = True
    End If
End Function

Public Function AUTO_TuKuang(ByVal Size As String, ByVal xScale As Integer)
    Dim TuKuang_Layer As AcadLayer
    Dim TuKuang As AcadBlock
    Dim Kuang1  As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim Kuang2 As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim Line As AcadLine
    Dim PO As Variant
    Dim P(7) As Double
    Dim temp As AcadBlock, temp1 As String, temp2 As Integer, Index As Integer
    PO = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "插入点")
    '    如果没有,则新建该系列图层
    Dim LayerExist  As Boolean
    For Each TuKuang_Layer In ThisDrawing.Layers
        If TuKuang_Layer.Name = "图框" Then LayerExist = True
    If LayerExist = False Then
        Set TuKuang_Layer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("图框")
        TuKuang_Layer.Color = 128
    End If
    If ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.Name <> "图框" Then ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = TuKuang_Layer
    Select Case Size
           Case "A4_H"                              'A4 横向
                If ThisDrawing.Blocks.Count > 0 Then
                     For Each temp In ThisDrawing.Blocks
                        'MsgBox Temp.Name
                        temp1 = temp.Name
                        If Left(temp1, 4) = "A4_H" Then
                            temp2 = Val(Right(temp1, 3))
                            'MsgBox Temp2
                            If Index < temp2 Then Index = temp2
                        End If
                End If
                Index = Index + 1
                Set TuKuang = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(Point3D(0, 0, 0), "A4_H_图框" & Format(Index, "000"))
                P(0) = 0: P(1) = 0: P(2) = 297: P(3) = 0: P(4) = 297: P(5) = 210: P(6) = 0: P(7) = 210
                Set Kuang1 = TuKuang.AddLightWeightPolyline(P)
                With Kuang1
                    .Closed = True
                    .Color = acRed
                    .Lineweight = acLnWt030
                    .Layer = "图框"
                End With
                P(0) = 30: P(1) = 5: P(2) = 292: P(3) = 5: P(4) = 292: P(5) = 205: P(6) = 30: P(7) = 205
                Set Kuang2 = TuKuang.AddLightWeightPolyline(P)
                With Kuang2
                    .Closed = True
                    .Color = acBlue
                    .Lineweight = acLnWt025
                    .Layer = "图框"
                End With
                With TuKuang
                    .AddLine Point3D(5, 205, 0), Point3D(5, 130, 0)
                    .AddLine Point3D(10, 205, 0), Point3D(10, 130, 0)
                    .AddLine Point3D(15, 205, 0), Point3D(15, 130, 0)
                    .AddLine Point3D(20, 205, 0), Point3D(20, 130, 0)
                    .AddLine Point3D(25, 205, 0), Point3D(25, 130, 0)
                    .AddLine Point3D(5, 205, 0), Point3D(30, 205, 0)
                    .AddLine Point3D(5, 180, 0), Point3D(30, 180, 0)
                    .AddLine Point3D(5, 155, 0), Point3D(30, 155, 0)
                    .AddLine Point3D(5, 130, 0), Point3D(30, 130, 0)
                        Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(292, 40, 0), Point3D(207, 40, 0))
                        Line.Lineweight = acLnWt025
                        Line.Color = acBlue
                        Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(207, 40, 0), Point3D(207, 5, 0))
                        Line.Lineweight = acLnWt025
                        Line.Color = acBlue
                            .AddLine Point3D(217, 5, 0), Point3D(217, 25, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(232, 5, 0), Point3D(232, 40, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(240, 5, 0), Point3D(240, 10, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(260, 5, 0), Point3D(260, 10, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(268, 5, 0), Point3D(268, 10, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(276, 5, 0), Point3D(276, 10, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(284, 5, 0), Point3D(284, 10, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(232, 32, 0), Point3D(292, 32, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(207, 10, 0), Point3D(292, 10, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(207, 15, 0), Point3D(232, 15, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(207, 20, 0), Point3D(232, 20, 0)
                            .AddLine Point3D(207, 25, 0), Point3D(292, 25, 0)
                        Dim H As Double
                        Dim Att As AcadAttribute
                        H = 文字填充高度("制图", Point3D(207, 5, 0), Point3D(217, 10, 0), 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "制图", Point3D(207, 5, 0), "制图", "制图")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(212, 7.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "设计", Point3D(207, 10, 0), "设计", "设计")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(212, 12.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "校对", Point3D(207, 15, 0), "校对", "校对")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(212, 17.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "审核", Point3D(207, 20, 0), "审核", "审核")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(212, 22.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "制图人姓名", Point3D(217, 5, 0), "制图人", "苗春雷")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(224.5, 7.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "设计人姓名", Point3D(217, 10, 0), "设计人", "苗春雷")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(224.5, 12.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "校对人姓名", Point3D(217, 15, 0), "校对人", "苗春雷")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(224.5, 17.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "审核人姓名", Point3D(217, 20, 0), "审核人", "苗春雷")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(224.5, 22.5, 0)
                        H = 文字填充高度("南通四建集团有限公司", Point3D(232, 32, 0), Point3D(292, 40, 0), 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "公司名称", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "公司名称", "南通四建集团有限公司")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(262, 36, 0)
                        H = 文字填充高度("南通四建烟塔公司齐齐哈尔项目部", Point3D(232, 25, 0), Point3D(292, 32, 0), 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "工程名称", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "工程名称", "南通四建烟塔公司齐齐哈尔项目部")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(262, 28.5, 0)
                        H = 文字填充高度("施工总平面图", Point3D(232, 25, 0), Point3D(292, 10, 0), 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "图纸名称", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "图纸名称", "施工总平面图")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(262, 17.5, 0)
                        H = 文字填充高度("日期", Point3D(232, 5, 0), Point3D(240, 10, 0), 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "日期", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "日期", "日期")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(236, 7.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "图别", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "图别", "图别")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(264, 7.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "建施", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "建施", "建施")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(272, 7.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "图号", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "图号", "图号")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(280, 7.5, 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "图号", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "图号", "0001")
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(288, 7.5, 0)
                        Dim DateString As String
                        DateString = Year(Now) & "年" & Month(Now) & "月" & Day(Now) & "日"
                        H = 文字填充高度(DateString, Point3D(240, 5, 0), Point3D(260, 10, 0), 0)
                        Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "日期", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "日期", DateString)
                        Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
                        Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(250, 7.5, 0)
                    Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(161, 0, 0), Point3D(161, 5, 0))
                    Line.Lineweight = acLnWt030
                    Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(292, 105, 0), Point3D(297, 105, 0))
                    Line.Lineweight = acLnWt030
                    Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(161, 205, 0), Point3D(161, 210, 0))
                    Line.Lineweight = acLnWt030
                    Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(25, 105, 0), Point3D(30, 105, 0))
                    Line.Lineweight = acLnWt030
                End With
                ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock PO, TuKuang.Name, xScale, xScale, xScale, 0
           Case "A4_V"                             'A4 竖向
           Case "A3_H"
           Case "A3_V"
           Case "A2_H"
           Case "A2_V"
           Case "A1_H"
           Case "A1_V"
           Case "A0_H"
           Case "A0_V"
    End Select
End Function

'    P1和P2 为矩形框的两个对角点,A文字的角度(只接受0、90、270三个角度)
Public Function 文字填充模块(ByVal Txt As String, ByVal P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, A As Double)
    Dim 文字 As AcadText
    Dim 文字高度 As Double
    Dim 文字长度 As Double
    Dim 矩形框长度 As Double
    Dim 矩形框高度  As Double
    Dim 中点1(2) As Double
    Dim 角点1 As Variant, 角点2 As Variant
    If Abs(P1(0) - P2(0)) = 0 Or Abs(P1(1) - P2(1)) = 0 Then Exit Function
    If A = 0 Then
        矩形框长度 = Abs(P1(0) - P2(0))
        矩形框高度 = Abs(P1(1) - P2(1))
        矩形框长度 = Abs(P1(1) - P2(1))
        矩形框高度 = Abs(P1(0) - P2(0))
    End If
    中点1(0) = (P1(0) + P2(0)) / 2
    中点1(1) = (P1(1) + P2(1)) / 2
    中点1(2) = (P1(2) + P2(2)) / 2
    Set 文字 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(Txt, Point3D(0, 0, 0), 2.5)
    文字.GetBoundingBox 角点1, 角点2
    文字长度 = Abs(角点1(0) - 角点2(0))
    文字高度 = Abs(角点1(1) - 角点2(1))
    If 矩形框长度 / 文字长度 <= 矩形框高度 / 文字高度 Then
        文字.ScaleEntity 角点1, 矩形框长度 / 文字长度
        文字.ScaleEntity 角点1, 矩形框高度 / 文字高度
    End If
    文字.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
    文字.Move 文字.TextAlignmentPoint, 中点1
    文字.Rotate 中点1, A * Atn(1) * 4 / 180
End Function

'    其实我们可以修改程序自动判断文字方向,使得360都可以。以后有时间在写吧。
Public Function 文字填充高度(ByVal Txt As String, ByVal P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, A As Double) As Double
    Dim 文字 As AcadText
    Dim 文字高度 As Double
    Dim 文字长度 As Double
    Dim 矩形框长度 As Double
    Dim 矩形框高度  As Double
    Dim 中点1(2) As Double
    Dim 角点1 As Variant, 角点2 As Variant
    If Abs(P1(0) - P2(0)) = 0 Or Abs(P1(1) - P2(1)) = 0 Then Exit Function
    If A = 0 Then
        矩形框长度 = Abs(P1(0) - P2(0))
        矩形框高度 = Abs(P1(1) - P2(1))
        矩形框长度 = Abs(P1(1) - P2(1))
        矩形框高度 = Abs(P1(0) - P2(0))
    End If
    中点1(0) = (P1(0) + P2(0)) / 2
    中点1(1) = (P1(1) + P2(1)) / 2
    中点1(2) = (P1(2) + P2(2)) / 2
    Set 文字 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(Txt, Point3D(0, 0, 0), 2.5)
    文字.GetBoundingBox 角点1, 角点2
    文字长度 = Abs(角点1(0) - 角点2(0))
    文字高度 = Abs(角点1(1) - 角点2(1))
    If 矩形框长度 / 文字长度 <= 矩形框高度 / 文字高度 Then
        文字.ScaleEntity 角点1, 矩形框长度 / 文字长度 * 0.8
        文字.ScaleEntity 角点1, 矩形框高度 / 文字高度 * 0.8
    End If
    文字填充高度 = 文字.height
End Function

Public Function GetCenter(ByVal e As AcadEntity) As Variant
    Dim P1 As Variant
    Dim P2 As Variant
    Dim P(2) As Double
    e.GetBoundingBox P1, P2
    P(0) = (P1(0) + P2(0)) / 2
    P(1) = (P1(1) + P2(1)) / 2
    P(2) = (P1(2) + P2(2)) / 2
    GetCenter = P
End Function

Public Function GetCurveLength(curve As AcadEntity) As Double

End Function

Public Function GetDate(ByVal VAR As String) As Date
    Dim temp As Double
    If VAR = "TDCREATE" Then
        temp = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("TDCREATE")
    ElseIf VAR = "TDUPDATE" Then
        temp = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("TDUPDATE")
        temp = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("DATE")
    End If
    Dim temp1 As String
    temp1 = temp - 2415019
    GetDate = CDate(temp1)
End Function

Function CenterPoint(P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant) As Variant
    Dim P(0 To 2) As Double
    P(0) = (P1(0) + P2(0)) / 2
    P(1) = (P1(1) + P2(1)) / 2
    P(2) = (P1(2) + P2(2)) / 2
    CenterPoint = P
End Function

Function KJPMFC(P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, P3 As Variant, ByRef A As Double, ByRef B As Double, ByRef C As Double, ByRef D As Double) As Integer
    If ThreeP_IsOnline(P1, P2, P3) = True Then
        ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt "出现三点共线情况" & vbCrLf
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim M(0 To 5) As Double
    M(0) = P2(0) - P1(0)
    M(1) = P2(1) - P1(1)
    M(2) = P2(2) - P1(2)
    M(3) = P3(0) - P1(0)
    M(4) = P3(1) - P1(1)
    M(5) = P3(2) - P1(2)
    '计算平面方程系数( Ax+By+Cz+D=0)
    A = M(1) * M(5) - M(2) * M(4)
    B = -(M(0) * M(5) - M(2) * M(3))
    C = M(0) * M(4) - M(1) * M(3)
    D = -A * P1(0) - B * P1(1) - C * P1(2)
End Function


VBA 中常用的函数块